
Oh Happy Day

Yesterday my sweet husband 
had this:
and this:
waiting for me when I got home from a very long Open House at work last night! The car had been in the shop for a month, now thanks to some squabbling between our warranty company and dealership about who had pay for repairs. I've been driving a dinky little rental for a month and missing my car sorely! I was so so happy when Nick told me that it was actually finished once and for all!

On to the iPhone...This was a little surprise from my thoughtful husband- not that I've told him I wanted it like 10 million times or anything... Knowing my love of all things neutral, he selected the white iPhone. Look how it already fits in with the decor!
Nick busily set it up last night and downloaded apps that he thought I'd like. I downloaded the Pinterest app, so I can continue my obsession with my new favorite website on the go.
Needless to say, yesterday was a happy happy day for me : )

PS: Doesn't he look adorable in his scarf?! 

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